
how to make your Netbook run Faster?

One of the hottest trends in technology today is the netbook - a small, light weight, and very portable laptop computer that is optimized for e-mail and web browsing. While these little machines are terrific travel companions, you might feel that your netbook is just a little bit slower than you would like.

First, we need to realize that these small computers were never designed to be as fast as a normal laptop. Regardless of this, there are things that you can do that will help you speed up your netbook and make it run faster so you can do more with the machine.

One big problem that many people do on a netbook is that when installing software, it's set up to start up when booting your machine. You need to make sure programs like your instant messaging clients are not starting up when you boot up else your netbook will feel slow.

Adding RAM to your machine. This is the cheapest possible upgrade to make to a netbook with the greatest potential return in terms of computer speed and even battery life. Adding RAM to your machine will make everything run much smoother especially if your netbook's RAM is already running at full capacity all the time.

Make sure you take care of virus and spyware issues.These malicious pieces of software can slow down a fast system. They will wreck the speed on your netbook if you aren't careful.

Turn off extra visual effects. Many of these will make everything run a bit slower than needed.

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